by Christian Doerr, Norbert Blenn, Siyu Tang and Piet Van Mieghem
Are Friends Overrated? A Study for the Social Aggregator (Christian Doerr, Norbert Blenn, Siyu Tang and Piet Van Mieghem), In Computer Communications, volume 35, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Christian Doerr and Norbert Blenn and Siyu Tang and Piet Van Mieghem},
date-added = {2016-08-12 21:13:09 +0000},
date-modified = {2017-06-21 18:38:34 +0000},
journal = {Computer Communications},
number = {7},
pages = {796–809},
pdf = {},
title = {Are Friends Overrated? A Study for the Social Aggregator},
volume = {35},
year = {2012},